Zsombori Lajos - guest house - Izvoarele

The accommodation facilities

Town / village

  • doneIzvoarele

The accommodation environment

  • doneSituated close to the mountains
  • doneSituated close to the stream
  • doneSituated close to forest

Type of the accommodation

  • doneChalet

Renting possibilities

  • doneThe building, including the yard
  • doneA part of a building

Total capacity (without extra bed)

  • doneMax. 14 pers.

It is built of

  • doneBrick house

Number of rooms

  • done6 room's

Number of bathrooms

  • done6 bathrooms

The accommodation facilities

  • doneTV and Satellite
  • doneBed linen
  • closeWashing machine
  • doneHair-dryer
  • doneHand Towel
  • doneBath Towel
  • closeGas stove
  • doneElectric stove
  • doneDishwasher
  • doneRefrigerator
  • doneMicrowave oven
  • doneToaster
  • doneCoffee maker
  • doneTea maker
  • closePressure-cooker
  • donePots, plates, cutlery
  • doneIron
  • closeMini-safe

The yard facilities

  • closeCovered arbour
  • doneTerrace / Garden pavilion
  • doneBarbecue grill
  • closeTraditional bread oven
  • doneOutdoor fireplace
  • doneCauldron
  • donePlow disc cooker
  • doneDeck chair
  • doneSwing
  • closeSeesaw
  • closeToboggan
  • closeSand box
  • closeBasketball backboard
  • donePin-pong table
  • closeFootball field
  • closeFoot tennis court
  • closeTenis court
  • closeVolleyball court
  • closeChildren's pool

Secler Jacuzzi

  • doneYes


  • closeNo

Also open in winter

  • doneYes

Heat able with

  • doneWith central heating

Making hot water

    Power supply

    • doneWired Power Supply

    WIFI Internet

    • doneYes

    Mobile signal strength

    • doneYes

    Pets can be brought

    • closeNo

    Smoking in the building

    • doneOnly in the garden

    The caretaker lives there

    • closeNo


    • doneIn courtyard
    • doneIn garage

    The base price is determined for

      In what season, and for how many nights do you wish to stay?

      How many people are you booking for?

      To 14 people:

      Trundle bed:

      Number of nights

      To 6 people:

      Trundle bed:

      Number of nights

      To 8 people:

      Trundle bed:

      Number of nights

      To 14 people:

      Trundle bed:

      Number of nights

      To 6 people:

      Trundle bed:

      Number of nights

      To 8 people:

      Trundle bed:

      Number of nights

      Number of nights

      New Year's Eve:
      1875 Euro/guest house/4nights/max.14pers/night.

      Suplimentar bed: (max. 6 beds) 15 Euro/pers/night

      How many times did you use our services?

      Total: -


      2025. February
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      Detailed description

      What is "a house with key"? 
      The house with key is a unique possibility for tourists that they wont be disturbed either by the owner or by other tourists. The house is built on private land. The house is equipped with a kitchen, bathroom and toilet, a living room, and the bedrooms. We provide dishes, covers and bedclothes. The wood for the fire are prepared for the tourists. The houses are prepared for the guests. Leaving the house the owner clean the house for the next groups.

      2500 m2 Yard
      Parameters: 12 X 12 m
      Number of floors: 1
      Number of rooms: 6
      Number of persons: 14+(6)
      Rooms/bed 3 (+1) / 3 (+1) // 2 (+1) / 2 (+1) / 2 (+1) / 2 (+1)
      Bathroom I: shower + WC + sink
      Bathroom II: shower + WC + sink
      Bathroom III: shower + WC + sink
      Bathroom IV: shower + WC + sink
      Bathroom V: shower + WC + sink
      Bathroom VI: shower + WC + sink
      Bathroom VII: WC + sink

      Main Road 500 m
      Riding a horse 1000 m
      Skiing slope 14000 m
      Petrol station 11000 m
      Supermarket 500 m
      Restaurant 8000 m


      (5) 5.0
      star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate
      Kellemes környezet, barátságos fogadtatás.
      Tiszta, rendezett vendégház, tágas, kényelmes szobák, egyszóval minden nagyon jó volt.
      Dézsa is kellemes időtöltést nyújtott, na meg a pinpangozás is jó tett a pihenés mellett.

      Biztos h visszatérünk!
      Köszönünk mindent!
      Geráné Pataki Erika
      star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate
      Csodaszép, csendes környezetben található a vendégház, közel a Madarasi Hargitához. Pihenésre, túrázni vágyónak ideális hely. Kerti partikhoz nagyon változatos eszközpark áll rendelkezésre. A házigazdák nagyon segítőkészek és kedvesek. Szeretettel ajánljuk nagyobb családoknak, baráti társaságoknak.
      star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate
      Pensiunea este un refugiu în natură, pentru cei cei ce doresc liniște, peisaje minunate. Camerele sunt mari, curate, bucătăria utilată, terasă spațioasă, grătar, ciubăr, parcare generoasă. Gazdele sunt primitoare. Noi ne-am simțit foarte bine. Recomand!
      Győrfi Katalin
      star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate
      Jól éreztük magunkat, a ház rendezett, kényelmes.
      Simon Ildikó
      star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate
      A szállással maximálisan meg voltunk elégedve. Tiszta, szép, praktikus. A vendéglátók nagyon kedvesek és figyelmesek.
      Köszönjük. Simon Ildikó

      Zsombori Lajos guest house, turism in Romania, programs, inns, accommodations, lodging, booking, key house, guest house, holiday, vacantion, relaxing, Roumania, Harghita

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