Nagy Lak guest house - Baraj Zetea

The Nagy Lak chalet
The Nagy Lak chalet

The accommodation facilities

Town / village

  • doneZetea Dam

The accommodation environment

  • doneSituated close to the mountains
  • doneSituated close to the stream
  • doneSituated close to forest

Type of the accommodation

  • doneChalet

Renting possibilities

  • doneThe building, including the yard

Total capacity (without extra bed)

  • doneMax. 6 pers.

It is built of

  • doneTimber house

Number of rooms

  • done3 room's

Number of bathrooms

  • done2 bathrooms

The accommodation facilities

  • doneTV and Satellite
  • doneBed linen
  • doneWashing machine
  • doneHair-dryer
  • doneHand Towel
  • closeBath Towel
  • doneGas stove
  • closeElectric stove
  • doneDishwasher
  • doneRefrigerator
  • doneMicrowave oven
  • doneToaster
  • doneCoffee maker
  • doneTea maker
  • donePressure-cooker
  • donePots, plates, cutlery
  • doneIron
  • doneMini-safe

The yard facilities

  • doneCovered arbour
  • doneTerrace / Garden pavilion
  • doneBarbecue grill
  • closeTraditional bread oven
  • doneOutdoor fireplace
  • doneCauldron
  • donePlow disc cooker
  • doneDeck chair
  • doneSwing
  • doneSeesaw
  • doneToboggan
  • doneSand box
  • closeBasketball backboard
  • donePin-pong table
  • closeFootball field
  • doneFoot tennis court
  • closeTenis court
  • doneVolleyball court
  • closeChildren's pool

Secler Jacuzzi

  • doneYes


  • doneYes

Also open in winter

  • doneYes

Heat able with

  • doneWith open fireplace
  • doneWith electric radiator
  • doneWith infrared panel

Making hot water

  • doneWith electricity

Power supply

  • doneWired Power Supply

WIFI Internet

  • doneYes

Mobile signal strength

  • doneYes

Pets can be brought

  • doneYes

Smoking in the building

  • doneOnly in the garden

The caretaker lives there

  • closeNo


  • doneIn courtyard

The base price is determined for

  • doneTo 2-4 pers.

In what season, and for how many nights do you wish to stay?

How many people are you booking for?

Above 14 years:

Between 3-14 years:

Under 3 years:

Number of pets:

Number of nights

Above 14 years:

Between 3-14 years:

Under 3 years:

Number of pets:

Number of nights

Above 14 years:

Between 3-14 years:

Under 3 years:

Number of pets:

Number of nights

Above 14 years:

Between 3-14 years:

Under 3 years:

Number of pets:

Number of nights

Number of nights

New Year's Eve:

1600 Euro/chalet/7nights
1550 Euro/chalet/6nights
1500 Euro/chalet/5nights
1450 Euro/chalet/4nights
1400 Euro/chalet/3nights

How many times did you use our services?

Total: -


2025. January
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Detailed description

The lodge is built on the banks of the Sikaszo creek, on a 900 square meters land. In the yard there is: parking place for four cars, pavilion, Barbeque and a swing.

The house is made of wood with thermo isolation. Downstairs you can find the living room (open fireplace, cable TV), kitchen (electric cooker, dish washer, fridge, microwave oven, toaster, coffee maker), and the bathroom (WC, shower bath and sink). For larger groups of tourists, we can provide a double bed in the living room for two more persons. Upstairs there are three rooms with double bed, and a bathroom (WC, shower bath and a sink). All togheter for 6+ (2) persons! We provide the heating with an open fireplace and electric radiators. You can get warm water from the electric boiler. The running water is drinkable.

Yard: 900 m2 
Parameters: 10 X 6 m
Number of floors: 1
Number of rooms: 3
Number of persons: 6 +(2)
Rooms/bed (2) // 2 / 2 / 2
Bathroom I: shower + WC + sink 
Bathroom II: shower + WC + sink

Guest house policy
- On the day of your arrival it is required to fill in the check-in form (standard form of tourist authority)!
- The accommodation is occupied in a state of cleanliness.
- It is prohibited to use open fire in the room as the guest houses are built entirely of wood!
- Never ignite the stove by transporting the embers from the outside stove to the one inside, as it can cause fire hazard! (Many times the embers fall and leave traces on the wooden floor!)
- You should only open the door of the fireplace when the embers or pieces of wood don't touch the fire-proof window. Otherwise, the burning wood may fall on the floor, causing fire! Based on the same idea, you should place the logs in the fireplace so, that these, after ignition, won't lean against the window!
- The use of liquid solutions that help light the fire in the stove: oil, petroleum or gasoline are prohibited because they can cause explosions! (If embers remained from the previous fire and upon this we pour liquid solutions that help light the fire, it produces gas that can explode and can cause burns and massive damage). We ensure paper, kindling wood and firewood for fire ignition!
- The ash that remained from the fire is collected in the tin bucket. It is forbidden to pour the ash in the trash, because it can catch fire!
- It is forbidden to dry clothes on the fireplace! Forgotten laundry on the stove can ignite or can melt on the fire-proof window.
- You can smoke in the yard. Please throw the cigarette butts into the ceramic ashtrays!
- For your safety, please close the gas cylinders after using them!
- Do not cover electric radiators as they may become too hot, therefore the resistance in them will burn out! For the drying of washed laundry we provide clothes dryer line and clothes drying rack!
- During the day, in case of leaving the guest house, please close the windows. In case of storms, the inflow of water through the open window will cause the strip floor to get wet and it will get damaged! If the windows remain open after your departure, then we reserve the right to close them in your absence!
- We accept pets at the guest house. Only those pets are allowed to enter the building, which are house-trained, and that don't chew, scratch or scrape the furniture. Please do not leave pets unattended in the house. It is prohibited to leave pets at home alone. In such cases - wanting to get out from the room - even the gentlest puppy can cause big damage to the door!
- We ask our guests, who like animals not to feed stray dogs and cats, as all the animals in the neighborhood will get used to it, embittering the life of the owners, as well as the life of lots of guests!
- The tap water is not drinkable.
- We provide blankets for the benches and chairs in the yard (2 blankets/ house) that can be put on the green grass. Please do not use the bedspreads and blankets from the guest house, outside the building!
- Please keep quiet! It is not acceptable to use any kind of music installation in the courtyard. It is allowed to sing or play on musical instruments (e.g. violin, guitar, harmonica, etc.).
- We are always grateful if you draw our attention to any irregularities (e.g. dripping tap, squeaky door or door, that doesn't shut, etc.).
- Please keep your accommodation and furniture in their original condition!
- Damage caused to the accommodation must be resolved on the spot. We don't claim compensation if objects go wrong or break because of their use. In this case, please let us know so we can fix them quickly.
- We reserve the right to select our guests!

Thank you very much for your kind attention and understanding!

Enjoy your stay!

Asphalt road 50 m
Riding a horse 12000 m
Skiing slope 24000 m
Petrol station 7000 m
Supermarket 5000 m
Restaurant 5500 m


(35) 5.0
Csorba-Kosztyó Virág
star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate
Fantasztikus környezet, a vendégház nagyon tiszta, rendezett. A tulaj kedves, segítőkész. Csak ajánlani tudom!! 💚
Bélik Péter
star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate
A Nagy Lak vendégház Erdély szívében igazi gyöngyszem! Csodálatos természeti környezetben található, tökéletes hely a pihenésre és feltöltődésre. A ház kényelmes, tiszta, és minden szükséges felszereléssel ellátott. A vendéglátók barátságosak és segítőkészek, igazi otthonos légkört teremtenek. Tökéletes választás mind családi, mind baráti kirándulásokhoz!
Mariana-Veronica Stefirca
star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate
Trei familii și trei căței am închiriat cabana pentru patru nopți . A fost senzațional, liniște , peisajul mirific , o oază de liniște . Cu siguranță vom mai reveni.
Paranai István
star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate
Kedves Árpád! Köszönöm a korrekt és igényeinket maximálisan kielégítő szálláslehetőség biztosítását.Kedvelem azt a tájat,a faházat,a dézsát,a szaunát.Köszönöm!!!!!
Ciprian Lupea Perdivara
star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate
Daca doriti sa petreceti cateva zile la aer curat, intro locatie exceptionala si o gazda minunata va recomand acest loc. Sa aveti parte numai de bine!
star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate
Dr.Csőkör Zoltán
star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate
Kedves Árpád!
Mindennel nagyon elégedettek voltunk. A ház környezete, a felszereltség, a tisztaság minden igényt kielégített.
Az esetleges nyári visszatérés miatt a klimatizálást fontosnak gondoljuk.
Bármikor örömmel visszatérnénk 😍
Köszönet az életre szóló élményért!
Nagyon sok embernek ajánlani fogjuk. 🤩🤩
Borzákné Balog Annamária
star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate
Predescu Alin
star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate
Locul perfect pentru o vacanta liniștită în mijlocul naturii. Totul a fost la superlativ .
star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate
O locație perfecta pentru relaxare. Gazda amabilă și atentă la.detalii. Cabana este foarte bine.intretinută și dotată. Vom reveni cu drag.
costel bulichi
star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate
Veniti in Harghita!Am avut o experienta placuta in zona Barajului Zetea.O saptamana de recreere si odihna la cabana Nagy Lak a domnului Arpad Nagy.
star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate
Pentru noi cabana Nagy Lak nu este doar un loc de cazare, ci este casa noastra draga unde, de zece ani, ne retragem departe de viata agitata si stresanta. Este locul unde suntem intampinati cu mare drag de catre gazde, care ne-au devenit prieteni buni si carora le purtam mult respect.
Nu voi mai intra in detalii legate de curatenia desavarsita, utilitatile si facilitatile de cinci stele, de gazonul intotdeauna tuns la milimetru, ciubarul intotdeauna curat, sauna, camerele vesele si impecabil de curate, ci imi face placere sa amintesc despre diminetile insorite in care pisicutele asteapta cuminti sa fie alintate, despre susurul raului si pontonul cu canapele pufoase, despre zambetul gazdelor care, in mod discret, vin si se ocupa de diversele aspecte ale gospodariei (ciubarul, gradina, mici reparatii unde e nevoie) si sunt acolo in caz ca avem nevoie de suport, despre dupa-amieze lenese in gradina mare si frumoasa dupa excursii de vis, si despre noptile racoroase si linistite.
Exista o sumedenie de activitati, excursii si atractii care inca ne atrag, chiar si dupa zece ani, insa casuta cu gradina superba sunt ele in sine chintesenta unei vacante de vis.
Csiszár Albert
star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate
Minden nagyon jó volt, és sakkban is csak jobb leszek.
star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate
Csak ajánlani tudom! Gyönyörű a hely. A házigazda -Árpád- igazán kedves, segítőkész volt. Legközekebb is ide negyünk.
Ákos Júlia
star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate
Nagyon elégedettek voltunk mindennel !
star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate
One word super place!
Everything as in the ad. Clean. Fresh.
Super host.
A place to return to

Vass Attila-Ciprian
star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate
:-) Mind mindig, szuper volt ottan lenni, elvezni a csendet, a patakot, a hazat, a tisztasagot es a deja-t :-) Sehr empfehlenswert!

Köszi szepen!
Hollósi Stanca
star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate
Lucaci Lucian
star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate
Liniste, curat, dotat cu tot ce trebuie.
Palinca si painea au fost cireasa de pe tort.
Szalma Ádám
star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate
Kiváló minöségű, tiszta vendégház, sok kellemes extra szolgáltatással, felszereléssel. Kedves, intelligen, kellő magánszférát biztosító vendéglátó. Köszönjük!
Doxan Andrea
star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate
O vacanță superbă la Nagy Lak!
Unitatea de cazare este foarte bine organizată, amplasata langa un pârâu, intr-o zonă linistită, foarte curată si bine utilată..
Curtea este spațioasă și îngrijită iar ciubărul și sauna ne-au ajutat sa ne relaxam.
Vila este bine compartimentata, utilată cu absolut tot ce este nevoie pentru un sejur la superlativ.
Am apreciat în mod deosebit amabilitatea și discreția gazdelor si faptul că ne-am simtit in siguranta (curtea fiind imprejmuită cu gard electrificat).
Excelent! Cu siguranță vom reveni!
Paranai István
star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate
Köszönöm azt a világon sehol nem tapasztalható kedvességét,vendégszeretetet ami Erdélyben fogadja a látogatót. A minőségi , minden igényt kielégítő szállás és kiszolgálás “Árpi” és kedves lánya hírnevét öregbíti. Köszönöm.
Ákos Júlia
star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate
Még vissza térünk!
Osgyán Gábor
star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate
Nagyon szép tiszta házikó.Mindenkinek ajánlani tudom.
Szabó Kitti
star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate
Mindent imádtunk. A szállás szuper volt a dézsa mindig meleg, a környezet pihentető és nyugodt, csendes.
Csak ajánlani tudom. És ajánlom is minden ismerősömnek.
Zagyi Mónika
star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate
Itt töltöttük a karácsonyt: hóesés, kandallóban lobogó tűz, esténként szauna. Kell ennél több? Nagyon jól éreztük magunkat, a ház gyönyörű, a gyerekek imádták, és a havas környezet látványával sem lehetett betelni. Egy 5 fős család Magyarországról.
Mariana Let
star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate
Nimic de reproșat.
Hegyi-Polinszki Brigitta
star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate
Nagyon jól éreztük magunkat. Szuper hely. És bármikor szívesen visszamennénk. 😀☺️
star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate
Locatie excelenta, la cateva sute de metri de lacul Zetea, foarte bine dotata, extrem de curata. Priveliste superba cu padurea si paraul de langa proprietate. Cabana beneficiaza de sauna si ciubar, facilitati care fac vacanta perfecta. Amenajarea cabanei este de foarte buna calitate, mobilierul este din lemn masiv, totul este de foarte buna calitate.
Marius Bucur
star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate
O cazare si o locatie minunata. Gazda este un om de nota 10. Recomand cu incredere!
Fodor Andrea
star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate
Mindennel nagyon elégedettek voltunk, máskor is szívesen visszatérnénk!
Manuela Ghidiceanu
star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate
Unul dintre cele mai frumoase locuri unde am fost vreodata!
Locatie de vis, cazare si servicii de nota 10.
Dalu Iuliana
star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate
De fiecare data avem o vacanta minunata in aceasta destinatie de poveste.
Revenim cu drag, an de an, bucurandu-ne de peisajele unice din toate anotimpurile!
Every time we have a wonderful vacation in this fairytale destination.
We return with love, year after year, enjoying the unique landscapes in all seasons!
Török Béla
star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate
Sokszor voltunk es meg sokszor megyunk!
star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate star_rate
Foarte frumos.o locație perfecta pentru familie.
Keywords: Nagy Lak guest house, Romania, Transylvania, vacation in Romania, Harghita guest houses, Transylvania travel, adventures in the nature, tours and trips in Romania
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